Test Naming

Test Naming #

Background #

CSIT 25.02 follows a common structured naming convention for all performance and system functional tests, introduced in CSIT 17.01.

The naming should be intuitive for majority of the tests. Complete description of CSIT test naming convention is provided on CSIT test naming wiki page. Below few illustrative examples of the naming usage for test suites across CSIT performance, functional and Honeycomb management test areas.

Naming Convention #

The CSIT approach is to use tree naming convention and to encode following testing information into test suite and test case names:

  1. packet network port configuration
    • port type, physical or virtual;
    • number of ports;
    • NIC model, if applicable;
    • port-NIC locality, if applicable;
  2. packet encapsulations;
  3. VPP packet processing
    • packet forwarding mode;
    • packet processing function(s);
  4. packet forwarding path
    • if present, network functions (processes, containers, VMs) and their topology within the computer;
  5. main measured variable, type of test.

Proposed convention is to encode ports and NICs on the left (underlay), followed by outer-most frame header, then other stacked headers up to the header processed by vSwitch-VPP, then VPP forwarding function, then encap on vhost interface, number of vhost interfaces, number of VMs. If chained VMs present, they get added on the right. Test topology is expected to be symmetric, in other words packets enter and leave SUT through ports specified on the left of the test name. Here some examples to illustrate the convention followed by the complete legend, and tables mapping the new test filenames to old ones.

Naming Examples #

CSIT test suite naming examples (filename.robot) for common tested VPP topologies:

  1. Physical port to physical port - a.k.a. NIC-to-NIC, Phy-to-Phy, P2P

    • PortNICConfig-WireEncapsulation-PacketForwardingFunction- PacketProcessingFunction1-…-PacketProcessingFunctionN-TestType
    • 10ge2p1x520-dot1q-l2bdbasemaclrn-ndrdisc.robot => 2 ports of 10GE on Intel x520 NIC, dot1q tagged Ethernet, L2 bridge-domain baseline switching with MAC learning, NDR throughput discovery.
    • 10ge2p1x520-ethip4vxlan-l2bdbasemaclrn-ndrchk.robot => 2 ports of 10GE on Intel x520 NIC, IPv4 VXLAN Ethernet, L2 bridge-domain baseline switching with MAC learning, NDR throughput discovery.
    • 10ge2p1x520-ethip4-ip4base-ndrdisc.robot => 2 ports of 10GE on Intel x520 NIC, IPv4 baseline routed forwarding, NDR throughput discovery.
    • 10ge2p1x520-ethip6-ip6scale200k-ndrdisc.robot => 2 ports of 10GE on Intel x520 NIC, IPv6 scaled up routed forwarding, NDR throughput discovery.
    • 10ge2p1x520-ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrdisc.robot => 2 ports of 10GE on Intel x520 NIC, IPv4 baseline routed forwarding, ingress Access Control Lists baseline matching on destination, NDR throughput discovery.
    • 40ge2p1vic1385-ethip4-ip4base-ndrdisc.robot => 2 ports of 40GE on Cisco vic1385 NIC, IPv4 baseline routed forwarding, NDR throughput discovery.
    • eth2p-ethip4-ip4base-func.robot => 2 ports of Ethernet, IPv4 baseline routed forwarding, functional tests.
  2. Physical port to VM (or VM chain) to physical port - a.k.a. NIC2VM2NIC, P2V2P, NIC2VMchain2NIC, P2V2V2P

    • PortNICConfig-WireEncapsulation-PacketForwardingFunction- PacketProcessingFunction1-…-PacketProcessingFunctionN-VirtEncapsulation- VirtPortConfig-VMconfig-TestType
    • 10ge2p1x520-dot1q-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc.robot => 2 ports of 10GE on Intel x520 NIC, dot1q tagged Ethernet, L2 bridge-domain switching to/from two vhost interfaces and one VM, NDR throughput discovery.
    • 10ge2p1x520-ethip4vxlan-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc.robot => 2 ports of 10GE on Intel x520 NIC, IPv4 VXLAN Ethernet, L2 bridge-domain switching to/from two vhost interfaces and one VM, NDR throughput discovery.
    • 10ge2p1x520-ethip4vxlan-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-4vhost-2vm-ndrdisc.robot => 2 ports of 10GE on Intel x520 NIC, IPv4 VXLAN Ethernet, L2 bridge-domain switching to/from four vhost interfaces and two VMs, NDR throughput discovery.
    • eth2p-ethip4vxlan-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-2vhost-1vm-func.robot => 2 ports of Ethernet, IPv4 VXLAN Ethernet, L2 bridge-domain switching to/from two vhost interfaces and one VM, functional tests.
  3. API CRUD tests - Create (Write), Read (Retrieve), Update (Modify), Delete (Destroy) operations for configuration and operational data

    • ManagementTestKeyword-ManagementOperation-ManagedFunction1-…- ManagedFunctionN-ManagementAPI1-ManagementAPIN-TestType
    • mgmt-cfg-lisp-apivat-func => configuration of LISP with VAT API calls, functional tests.
    • mgmt-cfg-l2bd-apihc-apivat-func => configuration of L2 Bridge-Domain with Honeycomb API and VAT API calls, functional tests.
    • mgmt-oper-int-apihcnc-func => reading status and operational data of interface with Honeycomb NetConf API calls, functional tests.
    • mgmt-cfg-int-tap-apihcnc-func => configuration of tap interfaces with Honeycomb NetConf API calls, functional tests.
    • mgmt-notif-int-subint-apihcnc-func => notifications of interface and sub-interface events with Honeycomb NetConf Notifications, functional tests.

For complete description of CSIT test naming convention please refer to CSIT test naming wiki page.